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born September 19, 1980 

Marie Kelly is like a daughter to me. I love her like she was my own. Her mother died, so I took her in to live with me and became that mother figure in her life. Wherever I go, she goes. She enjoys making people laugh and smile. It makes her feel good. Marie is like a elephant: she remembers everything. Just ask her anybody’s birthdays if you don't believe me. 

Marie was born and raised in Chicago and still loves the Bears. Ugh lol. She moved to Milwaukee in 1997 and I met her in SHEBA in 2010. She was also involved in other trans organizations like FORGE and Gemini Gender. In 2019 Marie was part of a big court case: Flack v. Wisconsin Department of Health Services. They won, and now trans people with Medicaid can get surgeries, hormones, those kinds of things we need.

I always encourage Marie to experience all she can. She has a degree in broadcasting, but she’s passionate about music and LOVES to sing. She thinks she’s the next American Idol. She even posts herself singing covers of songs on YouTube as Marie St. Clare. I’m real proud of Marie finding ways to use her voice.

Marie Kelly

Illustration by Giselle Pritzlaff

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