I knew Syd from Diverse and Resilient and then I got to know him more on a personal level when we went to the BTAC (Black Trans Advocacy Coalition) conference. He’s over SAPG (Statewide Action Planning Group), another group I'm in.
Syd works for the state of Wisconsin in their HIV prevention department as the prevention coordinator. They do a lot of community work. He does a lot of research and studies for HIV and other different treatments.
His background is musical theater and Syd was real excited to discover the Miltown Kings in the early 2000s. They a bunch of drag kings who do like group shows. That’s different from us girls who do everything as individuals. Syd was one of the original Miltown Kings and it made him real happy to get to like merge performing and activism there. And to get to be a man on stage. His stage kept getting bigger and bigger. He played Joseph in Milwaukee’s theater show Black Nativity in 2015 and 2016. And then he made it to TV! He was on Brothers, which is all about transmen, and also the shows Work in Progress and The Chi. Syd’s so nice you’d never know he’s a star, but he’s fine enough you’d believe it.

Illustration by Giselle Pritzlaff